Thursday, December 14, 2017

Ka Kite Ano Rata Whā

To the children of Rata Whā,

Thanks for having me as your teacher this year, I have had such a wonderful time getting to know each of you. I have learnt so much from you all, I hope you have learnt a little from me too! One of my favourite parts of this year has been watching you grow into confident, kind, smart and wonderful six year olds and I am so proud of you.

Go well in Rimu in 2018! You will smash it! Kia Kaha!

Have a wonderful Christmas!

From Miss Parker

February 2017 

 ...December 2017!

Monday, December 11, 2017

He rangi wera! Summer is here!

Here are some snapshots from the last few weeks in Rata Whā. Jump Rope for Heart and our Aotea Lagoon picnic were great days in the sunshine. We also enjoyed cooling off inside and getting creative last Friday during M.O.O.T.

Twins in Rata Whā today!

Monday, December 4, 2017


Last Wednesday we made our way to the Bottom Field with Mrs Harvey to blow some bubbles! We blew big bubbles and small bubbles. They looked rainbow and see-through and one was long like a caterpillar! It was so much fun and we came up with lots of interesting and descriptive words about the bubbles to use in our writing.

Friday, November 17, 2017

Ngā Maunga

For M.O.O.T. today Kathryn brought in her mountain craft from home and shared it with Rata. The craft is about the story of the Battle of the Mountains.

Kathryn did an outstanding job as kaiako, leading us through the steps to create these mountains. We made Taranaki, Tongariro, Ruapehu, Pīhanga, Ngauruhoe, Tuahara and Pūtauaki. They turned out great and look quite fearsome!