Wednesday, March 29, 2017

We are entomologists!

An entomologist is a bug scientist. We are going to be entomologists in Rata as we get stuck into our new Inquiry unit about minibeasts!

We got together in Buzz Groups to brainstorm things that we can do to keep ourselves safe and care for bugs and our environment during our Inquiry unit. We talked about three important values: kaitiakitanga (guardianship), manaakitanga (kindness), and mauri (respect for all living things).
Our ideas form our tikanga matatike (code of conduct).

We went for a walk around the school to see if we could spot some bugs. We know to look but not touch any bugs we see - we don't want to hurt them!

Looking for caterpillars in the butterfly garden outside Totara Tahi 
Can you find the caterpillar and the bee in this photo?

Looking in the grass for bugs 
There is a green vegetable bug in this picture. Can you see it? It'a a bit hard to spot on the green leaves.
We spotted a vine hopper on a leaf, then we looked a little closer... 
More vine hoppers! How many can you count? 
Another full branch!

Sunday, March 19, 2017

More Capital E!

Here are some short clips of one of the shows we saw on Wednesday during our trip to the Capital E! National Arts Festival.

Friday, March 17, 2017

A Busy Week!

Tino Rawe Rata Wha! You have worked so hard this busy week! On Monday we presented our awesome self-portraits at Assembly.

On Wednesday we went on a very exciting trip to the Capital E! Arts Festival. We saw three shows. It was a great day. Thank you so much to our Parent Helpers and everyone who offered to join us for the day.

We have continued our Swimming Lessons this week. Friday was our last day of Swimming Lessons for the year and we put on life jackets and learned how to stay safe in the water.

Sunday, March 12, 2017

Aotea Lagoon Picnic

On Thursday we had our Assembly and picnic to celebrate the beginning of Papakowhai School's journey as an Enviroschool. We set off after Morning Tea, walking down to Aotea Lagoon with our buddies in our Whānau groups. We had a lovely picnic lunch in the sun and plenty of fun playing on the playground! Thank you to the families who joined us and the NZ Police for helping us cross the road safely! Here are some photos of our day: